30+ Foods That Could Potentially Be Harmful To Your Health

Published on 11/09/2023

Garlic should be consumed in trace amounts with any meal

  • Effects: Gastrointestinal discomfort and potentially internal bleeding

Adding a little garlic to a meal is an easy way to give it a little kick and flavor. However, you should avoid using too much, especially if you or the person you’re feeding has certain sensitivities. This substance has a chance of causing stomach disorders like acid reflux, which isn’t particularly pleasant. There have been reports of garlic causing internal bleeding, which can have significant repercussions. However, you’d have to eat a lot of it for this to happen. You should avoid gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating, stomach pain, or stomach upset if you simply eat a small amount with your food and do not consume it raw.

Garlic Should Only Be Eaten In Tiny Amounts With Any Meal

Garlic should be consumed in trace amounts with any meal.


Coconut water is not an effective replacement for water from the faucet

  • Effects: Potential diabetes, obesity, and heart problems

The issue that many individuals have with drinking water is that it simply does not taste good. This is why products such as coconut water exist. It claims to be as good for you as water, but with the added benefit of flavor. However, the truth is that this material has certain negative health effects. For one thing, these drinks can be calorific, including 45 – 60 calories per eight-ounce portion. Furthermore, flavored products are high in sugar, which we all know is harmful for things like diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, drinking too much coconut water can drastically elevate your potassium levels, which can then harm your heart and cause additional problems.

Coconut Water Is Not An Effective Replacement For Water From The Faucet

Coconut Water Is Not An Effective Replacement For Water From The Faucet