Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then He Proves He Was Reincarnated

Published on 05/09/2021

Lavish Parties

When Ryan was only 5 years old, he and his mother were watching TV when the famous Hollywood sign appeared on the screen. Straight away, Ryan burst into tears and begged his mother to take her back. She was obviously confused. He would then go on about lavish Hollywood parties and all the guests that attended these events. But that wasn’t it, Ryan also described the types of foods that were at these parties and even told her about how he used to work at a company that helped various performers change their names.

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Lavish Parties



It actually got to a point that Ryan’s “memories” and the details of the stories were just getting too specific, especially for a five-year-old child. Was it possible that he just had a huge imagination? One of the things that convinced his mother that he wasn’t lying was the fact that Ryan kept asking for Tru-Ade, a drink that was popular during the 1940s, however, it was discontinued decades before Ryan was even born. But none of this ever stopped him from speaking of his “past life.”

Tru Ade

Tru Ade