Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then He Proves He Was Reincarnated

Published on 05/09/2021

Trying To Get Answers

Back when Ryan and Cyndi were paging through an old book and he noticed someone that looked so familiar, Cyndi was finally able to discover who the man her son claimed to be was. The man’s name was Marty Martyn. He was former film director and manager of motion‐picture, he also was an actor who played as an extra in one movie. But the bizarre thing is that he died around 1964, five decades before Ryan was born.

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Trying To Get Answers


Thorough Research

Psychiatrist, Dr. Tucker sat with Ryan and began to ask him a whole bunch of questions – questions only the real Marty Martyn would know. Ryan answered the questions conscientiously and gave 55 detailed facts about Martyn’s life. After this intense session, Dr. Tucker then went off to do thorough research on Marty Martyn. Dr. Tucker was determined, he even went so far as to contact the late Hollywood actor’s daughter to discoer what Ryan was saying was accurate and true. It turned out that everything Ryan told the doctor was true, including that Martyn died of a heart attack…

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Thorough Research