Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then He Proves He Was Reincarnated

Published on 05/09/2021

The Case At Hand

Dr. Tucker was able to investigate with a large sample size which proved to be not only fascinating but truly amazing. Also, the various statistical similarities between the children and their memories of their “past lives,” ultimately fade away as they get older. There was one case in particular that really stuck with Dr. Tucker. He says that a young boy named Ryan Hammons has retained all of his “past memories” in near-perfect detail.


The Case At Hand


The Biggest Stars

Ryan continued telling story after story about his “travels” with some of the biggest stars in Hollywood during the 1940s. He said things such as “I used to be big, but now I’m little,” or “I liked it better when I was big and I could go wherever and whenever I wanted to go.” His mom, Cyndi eventually came to the conclusion that her Ryan was not making up any of these stories. She said, “His stories were so detailed and they were so extensive….a child couldn’t have made it up”.

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The Biggest Stars