Sydney and O.J. Simpson have always had a strained relationship
Sydney was so little when her parents divorced, and she was just nine years old when Nicole Brown was murdered, that she had no idea what was going on. O.J. Simpson spent thousands of dollars litigating Nicole’s parents for custody of his children, but it appears that it had little effect on their connection. In truth, Sydney has never hidden her genuine views for her father, frequently utilizing her celebrity to speak out against him. The couple has a tough relationship, especially because Sydney believes she had a traumatic childhood that could have been avoided if her mother’s life had not been brutally terminated.

Sydney And O.J. Simpson Have Always Had A Strained Relationship
The daughter of O.J. has openly accused him of murdering Nicole Brown
One of the best aspects of the internet is that we have instant access to nearly anything. Unfortunately, this can also be a disadvantage. One of the many things Sydney has had the opportunity to do over the years is research everything that occurred when her mother died and throughout O.J. Simpson’s trial. Sydney has never hidden her feelings towards her father, even going so far as to publicly proclaim that she believes O.J. killed Nicole Brown. As if that wasn’t enough, when she was 17, she called 911 on her father and accused him of violent behavior before pretending it was a domestic quarrel.

The daughter of O.J. has openly accused him of murdering Nicole Brown.