A private investigator thinks O.J. Simpson’s oldest son is guilty
In one way or another, all of O.J. Simpson’s children were involved in the trial. However, his eldest son, Jason, has a stronger connection to the story than his siblings. Why? He was recently suspected of being the true perpetrator of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman’s deaths, despite the fact that Jason was never a suspect. In 2012, private investigator William Dear released his thoughts on the whole thing. Dear’s account of events, titled ‘O.J. Is Innocent And I Can Prove It,’ has been pieced together over the course of 18 years. Jason was known to have mental health concerns and was battling substance usage, according to the PI.

A private investigator thinks O.J. Simpson’s oldest son is guilty.
He claims proof. Jason was home the night of the crime.
Jason had already been diagnosed with intermittent anger disorder, sometimes known as Jekyll and Hyde syndrome, according to William Dear. That isn’t everything. Dear maintains that when Jason was a youngster, he was administered medication to assist control his aggression and had previously been arrested for a number of assaults with a weapon and crimes before Nicole and Ron were killed. According to the PI’s book, Jason penned a note in which he claimed to be three different persons and threatened to end someone’s life if they injured his loved ones. To make matters worse, the DNA found at the scene never matched O.J.’s, but Jason’s was never tested. Dear believes Jason committed the crimes and that O.J. simply arrived too late.

He claims proof. Jason was home the night of the crime.