Every Other Day
Eventually, Ben’s patience ran out. The odd ceremony that Sarah was performing continued, despite Greg’s assurances. Whenever he would yell at her from his porch, she would simply drive away rather than listen to him. He was never able to capture a picture of her because he was never quick enough or fast enough. She would always leave the house as soon as the light on the porch was turned on. In spite of Ben’s courteous requests, which eventually turned into angry warnings, she was not deterred in any way.

Every Other Day
It’s Only Us
After Ben had become weary of the never-ending game, he confronted Greg once again one evening. “Greg, I’ve had enough of listening to you. It has an impact on the surrounding community. Please take action to address this matter. Gregory scratched his head, a look of real bewilderment engraved over his face. “I swear, Ben, I’ll figure it out.” Ben was fixated on Greg, and he had a sneaking suspicion that he and his wife were carrying out some kind of plot.

It’s Only Us