Time To Pay
Harry narrowed his eyes, displaying a growing sense of suspicion. The decision that they made to pay was the final nail that sealed the deal. The procedure that they utilized was designed to make him weak at the knees and almost cause him to fall. Everything that he needed to accomplish was crystal obvious to him. He resorted to reaching under the counter in order to accomplish what he needed to do. It would have been possible for them to get away with it if they hadn’t done that before.

Time To Pay
The Passion
The state of Pennsylvania was Harry Olsen’s home for the entirety of his life. In order to pursue his interest, he spent his evenings studying film and television media. It was one day that he had a fantasy of directing a movie. At the same time, however, his dream would not be sufficient to cover his expenses. As a matter of fact, it created the exact opposite impact. He was a student who had to find a balance between his living expenses and his school tuition.

The Passion