Black Beans
These little beans come packed with protein, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, folate, and phytonutrients! The components of black beans make them excellent at bringing down cholesterol levels and warding off heart disease. What’s more, they taste wonderful in burritos, soups, and whatever side dish that you can think of. The superfood is also excellent for weight loss as it is low in fat.

Black Beans
Reduced Fat Yogurt
Dairy fans will definitely rejoice if they read this. According to studies, reduced-fat milk or yogurt should feature in any balanced diet since it helps prevent high blood pressure and cancer. Yogurt is typically brimming with vitamins D, B2, B6 and A, iodine, protein, zinc, and calcium. In addition, this dairy delight has been found to lower your risk for developing heart disease and strokes.

Reduced Fat Yogurt