This yellow super fruit should feature prominently in your diet as it is a good source of protein, fiber, and potassium, which ensures nerve cells and muscles respond and contract well. We strongly recommend adding bananas in your health smoothie or breakfast bowl even if many consider the fruit as a dieting nightmare since they are actually loaded with resistant starch and fiber. This delicious fruit helps you maintain regular blood pressure level, a normal heartbeat, and excellent heart health.

Olive Oil
The Mediterranean diet is known to be one of the healthiest in the world and for good reason. You probably know that people who are from this region usually use extra-virgin olive oil in a lot of their dishes. Aside from adding a wonderful taste to meals, olive oil should be what you use as it has plenty of monounsaturated fat. It has also been found to bring down LDL cholesterol, prevent blood clots, and normalize blood sugar levels.

Olive Oil