Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

His Teeth Are Not Real

Harrison Ford has participated in many exciting action scenes in the past. Even though he was generally lucky, he once fell on top of a prop gun and lost a lot of teeth. Thanks to this awful accident, most of his teeth had to be pulled out. He had to replace them with false teeth! If you did not know this, you would probably have never known. After all, he has all the money to pay for the best dental work out there.

His Teeth Are Not Real

His Teeth Are Not Real


The Scar On His Chin

We can’t deny that Harrison Ford is a good-looking man, but he is not perfect. For one thing, he has a scar right below the lips. In 1968, his car crashed into a telephone pole as the actor was putting on his seat belt while he was driving. Folks, we hope that this is going to teach you to do this before you even start the car! It was a good thing that this worked out for him. In fact, the star has even been mentioned in a number of his films such as Working Girl and The Last Crusade.

The Scar On His Chin

The Scar On His Chin