Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

Not The Only Act Of Heroism

Harrison does not only rescue people with his aircraft, but he also jumps straight into the action to help with just his bare hands. In 2017, he had been driving along a California highway when a nearby car rolled off and crashed. Without a moment of hesitation, he jumped out of his car to help! With the assistance of other passersby, they brought the driver to safety and looked after him until the EMTs got there. This great deed was featured on the news and made people love him even more than they already did.

Not The Only Act Of Heroism

Not The Only Act Of Heroism


Turning Down His Job Offers

There was a time when he was one of the most in-demand Hollywood actors. In those days, he received lots of offers to star in blockbuster hits. Even though he had a lot of job offers, he has always been picky about his roles. Among other projects, he decided to turn down the offer to star in The Perfect Storm, The Patriot, and Vanilla Sky. These films all went on to be huge hits, so we can’t help but wonder if he had any regrets!

Turning Down His Job Offers

Turning Down His Job Offers