Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

He Once Crashed A Plane

Have you heard about his airplanes? Well, Harrison Ford does not just own a plane, but he is a licensed pilot too. This actor is a talented man, but this hobby of his is quite dangerous. One day as he was flying, Ford lost the engines and had to do a crash landing on the grass. He was immediately taken to the hospital where the doctors found that he had broken his back, suffered head trauma, and shattered bot his ankle and pelvis. Regardless of all his injuries, his wife, Calista Flockhart, encouraged him to keep flying again once he had recovered. What a devoted and supportive partner!

He Once Crashed A Plane

He Once Crashed A Plane


He Has Saved Lives Before

Harrison Ford is best known for playing the role of the everyday hero in action films. Even though he tends to save damsels in distress on the screen, he also does this in real life! We already know that he is passionate about flying and even owns a number of aircraft. There was a time when he used a chopper to look for an injured hiker called Sarah George not far from his ranch in Idaho. Aside from that, he also saved boy scouts who went missing in the woods.

He Has Saved Lives Before

He Has Saved Lives Before