Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

Another Iconic Scene Was Improvised

Perhaps you recall this particular Indiana Jones scene. It was the one that made this particular line famous: “Don’t bring a sword to a gun fight.” In Raiders of the Lost Ark, our favorite archaeologist ran into an Egyptian man carrying a sword. This swordsman started to show off his skill and waited for Indy’s first move. However, Indy simply looked at him with a pained expression and shot him point-blank. It turned out that it was supposed to be a lengthy action scene, but they decided to mix it up because the actor had not been feeling well during the taping. We would never have thought that this was how such an iconic scene came to be.

Another Iconic Scene Was Improvised

Another Iconic Scene Was Improvised


His Very Own Hollywood Star

If you want to be sure that you have made it in Hollywood, a good sign would be your own star on the Walk of Fame. Even though the actor has never won an Academy Award, we are sure that this was also a very high honor for him. Here is Harrison Ford on the day that he signed his Hollywood star. He worked so hard to make his dreams come true, so we are sure that he was happy when this photo was snapped!

His Very Own Hollywood Star

His Very Own Hollywood Star