Did you know that eggplant is also a low-calorie food? A single dish cooked without oil will satisfy you. The good news is that each serving has just 24 calories. Eggplants are also high in antioxidants. This contains minerals and vitamins such as niacin, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, vitamins B6, C, and K. They also include fiber, which aids digestion and weight reduction.

On a sweltering summer day, nothing beats a watermelon. It is particularly refreshing since it is made up of 92 percent water. Furthermore, it is a low-energy snack. It has just 30 calories per serving. It’s basically water, which is why you’ll feel so full even though it’s mostly water. It also has a high concentration of minerals and vitamins. It also contains the amino acid arginine, which aids in the burning of body fat.
