Many people frown on snacking, yet popcorn is preferable. It is a whole grain with a high fiber content that fills you up better than junk food. It is a high-volume meal that will keep you fuller for longer. The finest feature, in our view, is that it does not provide too many calories. But, of course, if you douse it with melted butter, it’s a very different story! If you want to make it diet-friendly, cut down on salt.

Boiled Potatoes
Because potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates, we can see why they aren’t for everyone. Despite this, it might assist you in losing or maintaining your weight. It also contains a lot of fiber, vitamins, and a substance known as resistant starch. This is in contrast to normal starch, which provides four calories per gram. Instead, it provides half of that! For those reasons, you should not be too ready to disregard this tuber.

Boiled Potatoes