30+ Most Restricted Areas On Earth

Published on 05/09/2023

A Collective Effort

Despite its significance, the seed vault is officially off-limits to the general public, with only a few foreign scientists and experts granted entry to its inner sanctum. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is not only a technical and scientific marvel, but it also demonstrates humanity’s collective obligation to protect the planet’s natural riches for future generations.

A Collective Effort

A Collective Effort


Vatican Secret Archives, Rome

The Vatican’s Secret Archives are a treasure trove of history, mystery, and intrigue hidden deep beneath the walls of the Vatican City in Rome. The archives, which date back to the eighth century, contain millions of documents, letters, and manuscripts that disclose the inner workings of the Catholic Church throughout the centuries, ranging from papal decrees and diplomatic correspondence to heresies and excommunications. The papal bull excommunicating Martin Luther and the transcripts of Galileo’s trial are among the most notable documents stored in the archives.

Vatican Secret Archives, Rome

Vatican Secret Archives, Rome