30+ Most Restricted Areas On Earth

Published on 05/09/2023

The Government Forbid Entry

The Brazilian government has prohibited visitors from entering the island due to the threat posed by the snakes, with the exception of a few select scientists and researchers. The history of the island is similarly cloaked in mystery, with tales of pirates, treasure, and hidden military sites contributing to its fascination. The possibility of snakebite death for those bold enough to come to Snake Island is a continual reminder of the fragility of human life and the strength of nature to defend itself.

The Government Forbid Entry

The Government Forbid Entry


The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

The Svalbard worldwide Seed Vault is a worldwide biodiversity treasure hidden deep into a mountain on a remote archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Millions of seed samples from all over the world are housed in this vast underground facility cut out of permafrost and protected by concrete walls and steel doors. The seeds, which are kept at a freezing -18°C (-0.4°F), serve as a backup of the world’s agricultural diversity, protecting against crop losses caused by natural disasters, climate change, or man-made calamities. The vault is built to withstand practically any threat, from nuclear war to worldwide pandemics.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway