Gross Foods Only Baby Boomers Still Think Are Cool

Published on 06/15/2021


Vegetable oils and animal fats- that’s all we need to say. Butter-substitute product is simply just vegetable oils and animal fats combined and labeled “There’s No Way This Isn’t Butter!” We are referring to this. Here you go, Upfield, Co. Understanding saturated versus unsaturated fats can help us decide which is the better long-term option: margarine or butter. When margarine tries to be buttery tasting, it adds trans fats, which raise the risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.




Processed Cheese

This alludes to probable flavor contamination since cheese is sold in questionable packaging in most cases. They’re not even real cheese. Despite being barely labeled “essentially cheese,” we know the full truth. Cheese does not require single-portion plastic wrapping. Wasted expenditure has no limits! We may have a little trouble finding these Boomers after all. Have your grocery shop personnel search around for non-plastic cheese pieces. Help is on the way.

Processed Cheese

Processed Cheese