Gross Foods Only Baby Boomers Still Think Are Cool

Published on 06/15/2021

Canned Pasta

SpaghettiOs, which was launched in 1965, certainly contribute to the nostalgia component of canned spaghetti products for baby boomers. This can only mean one thing: They are still addicted to this tasteless, awful substitute pasta. Processed doesn’t mean better! These items all have one attribute in common: the mush factor. Until it is mushy, boomers will like it. Fortunately, for everyone else, we know that handmade spaghetti and meatballs obliterate canned ravioli any day. “This isn’t just your imagination.

Offenen Dose Ravioli Auf Weißem Hintergrund

Canned Pasta


Miracle Whip

Let’s discuss the concerns that come with Miracle Whip before jumping into them. Traditional mayonnaise is used on everything from burgers to subs, but it is widely known for its harmful components and high-fat content, which leads to elevated cholesterol levels. In the 1930s, Miracle Whip was created as a more inexpensive substitute for mayo. The product may be lower in fat and calories, but it does not make up for the danger of sickness. The combination of high-fructose corn syrup and soybean oil introduces numerous health problems.

Miracle Whip

Miracle Whip