Baby Prairie Dog
The prairie dog is a curious character that is not well-known. For starters, their mating season lasts just an hour per year. They excavate complex underground tunnel networks and have the most sophisticated vocabulary of any mammal. Their squeaks can seem monotonous and simplistic to us, but they actually communicate descriptive information about what they see. They may, for example, use it to describe a tall blue guy. These animals, as you can see, possess both beauty and intelligence.

Baby Prairie Dog
Baby Deer
Isn’t this baby deer adorable? This is a photograph of a Chinese water deer with unusual fangs that expand as the animal matures. It’s easy to see why they’re called “vampire deer.” Although the fangs are frightening, they are just for display. Although they are only babies, they are fangless and vulnerable. In reality, 40 percent of newborns die within the first month of their lives. Isn’t it heartbreaking to hear that?

Baby Deer