Baby Skunk
If you don’t want to be sprayed with stinky spray, avoid an adult skunk. Even so, leaving a baby skunk alone will be much more difficult. Baby skunks, also known as kits, do not open their eyes until three weeks after birth. They grow rapidly after this time and can have babies of their own in ten to twelve months. You should stop petting them, despite how cute they are!

Baby Skunk
Baby Panda
What are your thoughts on this adorable baby panda? He’s belting out “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” as loudly as he can in our heads. It’s a shame they’re a super endangered species because they can’t live outside of China’s highly specialized and rapidly declining bamboo forests. It’s a good thing that zoos all over the world are working hard to keep them alive. We’d go to any length to hug this man!

Baby Panda