Baby Platypus
Will you take a look at this, sweetheart? If you’re not sure what this is, we’d like to inform you that it’s a platypus. The duck-billed platypus is another name for it. Even though it appears to be a mythical creature, believe us when we claim it is true. It is an egg-laying semiaquatic mammal. Eastern Australia, which includes Tasmania, is home to this species. This creature is the only living member of its genus and family.

Baby Platypus
Baby Bison
Can you take a look at the baby bison in this picture? He trotted along to keep up with the other members of the herd. The American bison calf weighs between 30 and 70 pounds once it is born. Aside from the mother, the rest of the herd looks out for the boy. An adult bison can live for 14 to 24 years in the wild. This is, without a doubt, just the beginning for this little boy.

Baby Bison