Baby Owl
With owls, where do we begin? They have fuzzy feathers and a round body. These incredible animals are also really lovable at first! They love us, and we love them back. Unfortunately, there are moments when it becomes too much. Caretakers must ensure that the owlets do not get too dependent during the rehabilitation process. They’d also dress up in disguise and feed the baby with tweezers put in the mouth by an owl puppet. If we were in their shoes, we’d just let the babies bond.

Baby Owl
Baby Pygmy Hippo
You’re looking at an image of a tiny hippopotamus. This little fellow also happens to be very sweet. Hippos have one of the longest pregnancies among animals. They have a single baby after eight months. The older hippo joins a group of female hippos who work together to keep their babies safe from predators after a few weeks of bonding between the mother and the infant. The orphan in this picture seems to have found a new mother. Isn’t this picture adorable?

Baby Pygmy Hippo