Here Are Some Of The Things You Need To Know About Tom Selleck

Published on 06/02/2020

Creative Team

He spoke to the creatives and had his role modified to an average and approachable guy—instead of a character that is very similar to James Bond. This change was just the complete change that the storyline needed. Thanks to Selleck’s commitment to the series, he was able to think about this. 

Creative Team

Creative Team


First Wife

Selleck and his first wife, Jacqueline Ray, got married after a year of dating, and their marriage lasted for 11 years. Selleck adopted Ray’s son, Kevin. When they divorced, he remained in touch with the boy. This relationship that he maintained with his adopted son also proves how noble and kind-hearted Selleck is since not many men will remain in contact with their adoptive child after breaking up with their spouse. 

First Wife

First Wife