Here Are Some Of The Things You Need To Know About Tom Selleck

Published on 06/02/2020

A Miss

His popularity was skyrocketing, but on his contract, he is not allowed to work on other projects aside from Magnum P.I. During the filming of Magnum P.I., he had landed the lead role of Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Sadly he had to turn down the part because of the conflict in his Magnum schedule. After turning down the offer to work as the lead in Indiana Jones, the shooting for Magnum did not start on schedule. It meant that there was no conflict in schedule, and he could have starred in the Steven Spielberg/George Lucas blockbuster hit!

A Miss

A Miss


Swing And A Miss

Aside from starring in the film, Indiana Jones, his locked in the contract with Magnum cost him another film that he wanted to do. Selleck was asked to play the movie with Julie Andrews called ‘Victor / Victoria‘ in 1982. By the time that Selleck had decided to take on the job, it was too late.

Swing And A Miss

Swing And A Miss