After 17 Years Of Being Missing Concerned Wife Finds Husband Alive, Learns His Secrets

Published on 09/12/2023

A Thousand Thoughts

Leslie’s mind raced with a thousand thoughts per second on the way back to the scene. She tried her hardest to remain strong, but as soon as the first tear rolled down her cheek, dozens more followed. The day had begun normally, but everything had changed in the blink of an eye. She was nauseated and anxious. What was she supposed to do next?

A Thousand Thoughts

A Thousand Thoughts


Phoning The Police

When she arrived, the sun was setting, and Leslie realized something was wrong. Something had happened to her husband, and she’d be a fool not to trust her instincts. She took out her phone and dialed 911. They asked her to wait for them, and they were right next to her car in a matter of minutes.

Phoning The Police

Phoning The Police