After 17 Years Of Being Missing Concerned Wife Finds Husband Alive, Learns His Secrets

Published on 09/12/2023

No One Knew

Her heart sank into her stomach when she returned home to find the house empty. The day was drawing to a close, and she had no idea where the love of her life had gone. She contacted friends and family, but he had not responded. She was terrified because he had simply vanished from the face of the earth. She was at a loss for what to do without him.

No One Knew

No One Knew


Sick With Worry

She waited a little longer, but she couldn’t just sit at home. She sat on the couch, sick to her stomach, watching the door for any sign of him. She couldn’t do it any longer. Her palms were sweating and she was nervous. The only thing she could think of was to return to the location where she last saw him. It was late, and she needed to return to the doctor’s office.

Sick With Worry

Sick With Worry