Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then He Proves He Was Reincarnated

Published on 05/09/2021

Fact Or Fiction?

Ryan, now 16 years does not recall as much as he did when he was younger. Of course, he still has flashbacks of his “past life” but they are not as vivid. Dr. Tucker claims that this is in fact quite normal and that as the new memories come in, the old ones get pushed out. However, Dr. Tucker is still amazed at the longevity of the memories that Ryan was able to retain. So, is reincarnation real? Do you believe in reincarnation? Maybe after this next story, you too will believe in it…

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Fact Or Fiction?


Apparently, it is said that every famous person from Hollywood actors to kings and queens has at least one look alike. With that being said, some even people that some of our beloved celebs are reincarnated from past eras. Could this really be true? Well, let’s take a closer look at these celebrities and then decide for yourself…


If this isn’t the definition of uncanny then we don’t know what is. Famous rapper Marshall Mathers or otherwise known as Eminem is internationally famous. Not just for his amazing music but for starring in the movie Green Mile which tells his personal story. But it appears that the American rapper was once a British World War I soldier.  Wow, right?

