Young Boy Remembers Thrilling Details Of His Past Life, Then He Proves He Was Reincarnated

Published on 05/09/2021

Major Criticism

Unfortunately, Dr. Tucker received a lot of backlash and harsh criticism for using Ryan and many others as examples of reincarnation. However, he is adamant that he is simply applying science to an allegedly supernatural phenomenon that so many cultures all the world over believe in. This is what he said about Ryan and his story, “It had seemed unlikely that an extra with no lines would have danced on Broadway, had a big house with a swimming pool, and traveled the world on big boats. But Marty Martyn did.”

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Major Criticism


A Crazy Occurance

To this day, Dr. Tucker is not exactly sure as to why such a weird and unusual phenomenon occurs, nor how it even happens in the first place. These occurrences seem to have all of the pointers that define reincarnation, but still, even with the help of modern technology, it is not entirely possible to prove. “These cases demand an explanation,” he says. “We can’t just write them off or explain them away as just some sort of normal cultural thing.” There are many people who have unanswered questions…

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A Crazy Occurance