Spirited Away
Every frame of Spirited Away reflects Hayao Miyazaki’s passion for his own story and his love of animation as an art form. Not a single frame or second of the movie is not breathtakingly detailed, giving you the impression that you could disappear into it and stay there for a very long time without ever getting tired. Spirited Away features one of Miyazaki’s most poignant stories about a lonely child who goes lost in a dark fantasy world, however I’m not sure that makes it any more or less flawless than other Miyazaki films.

Spirited Away
This crime thriller, which served as Christopher Nolan’s breakthrough work, is less flashy than his later successes Tenet and Inception but is no less high concept: It tells the sad tale of a man with no short-term memory who is searching for his wife’s killer while being at the mercy of whoever is in charge of his narrative at any given time. It unfolds like a magic trick, and even after seeing it done both ways, you’re still not sure how the director managed it.
