When Harry Met Sally
Is this the greatest romance film ever made? No poor scenes can be found in this movie, for sure. The movie is based on the idea that men and women can never truly be friends because “the sex part always gets in the way,” so the relationship between Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) is either destined to implode or grow into something more. The sexual politics may seem a little dated, but I’ve also had arguments like these with my wife 33 years later. It might be the most rewatchable film ever created. It was made in the midst of filmmaker Rob Reiner’s miraculous run and features an extremely quotable script by a never-better Nora Ephron.

When Harry Met Sally
Home Alone
I know I’m going to get a lot of flack for this, but after innumerable Christmastime viewings, I maintain that this cartoonishly violent Christmas classic perfectly accomplishes its goal—which is probably why we’re all still laughing at Kevin slapping his hands against his face 32 years later. Although nothing in it is realistic, it doesn’t matter because it isn’t. The crazy antics of the momentarily orphaned child’s attempts to defend his home from intruders or the grief the boy’s mother experiences as she repeatedly fails to get back to him, and eventually does—just in time for Christmas—can be poked through a million holes in the arrangement without letting the air out.

Home Alone