30+ Movies That Everyone Agrees Are Perfect

Published on 07/04/2023


At first glance, it appears to be a film that depicts racial conflict in America in the aftermath of 9/11 in a shocking way, showing the subtleties and intricacies of human nature and its way. This film investigates bias by reflecting on various facets of human personality. Crash paints a disturbingly accurate picture of prejudices and will make you think twice before passing judgment on a new environment.




Waking Life

Waking Life is one of the best movies ever made. This film contains a great deal of intellectual substance. The anonymous protagonist meets individuals as he trudges through the surreal condition from which he cannot seem to awaken. They are mute witnesses to monologues at times, and converse about a variety of issues such as truth, free choice, chaos, suicide, and movies, all of which are vividly represented in the animation. It’d be intriguing to watch Richard Linklater’s animated creation, which has an appropriately eerie music.

Waking Life

Waking Life