“Kids say the darndest things” is the best quote. In this example, youngsters drew strange things that indicated their parents’ private actions. The funniest kids’ drawings are here!
Chubby Issues
This is one of those early primary tasks in which a youngster is learning how to write entire phrases. While there was certainly some context missing here, the child completing their homework made the initiative to provide a creative and honest response. “My father,” the toddler replied when asked who ate the most at the picnic. He is plump. He’s got a problem.” Ouch, that’s one approach to deal with a growing weight problem, however the parent in this scenario would definitely like it not be directed at his child’s teacher and class. If there is one thing you can always bank on from children, it is the stark truth.
World’s Greatest… Farter?!
How adorable. This tiny innocent boy made a card for his father that said, “World’s greatest farter!” Oh, wait, he crossed that out and typed “father” instead, revealing his true feelings. This is the ideal joke for dads, the world’s greatest fart joke connoisseurs. Even better is the little picture, which appears to depict a toxic gaseous cloud with a skull and crossbones poison sign in the center. Perhaps the child who wrote this is on their way to becoming a master of dad jokes. If that’s the case, he’s off to an excellent start.