These Are The Fashion Mistakes You Need To Ditch Right Now

Published on 07/27/2020

Being mistaken for being a few years older when we were young, it was a huge compliment. But now? Hearing this is the biggest offense ever! Who knew fashion errors might make you look older than you really are? You can actually look younger with the right outfit, while the wrong one can do the exact opposite. Fashion can be hard to get right— something like it could be a complete no-no now, even just a year ago. The laws of fashion change constantly, so we’re here to help you keep up with the times these are your fashion mistakes.

Poofy, Big Hairdo

During the early times of the 70s and 80s, big hair was all the rage. Teasing or back-combing the hair was the only way to style their looks. Nowadays, we have a lot of innovations around us to have different ways to style our hair the way we want it to look like. There is what we call hair to rebond, hair extensions, digital perm for those who want curly hair, and so forth. There is a saying,”hair is the crowning glory of a woman”. Indeed, hairstyles can also make you look younger.

Poofy, Big Hairdo

Poofy, Big Hairdo


Matchy-Matchy Outfits

One important thing in fashion is you know how to mix patterns and prints which is so fashionable; color coordinating, on the other hand, is out. Upon observation, wearing matchy-matchy outfits is not only boring, but it actually ages you. Steer clear of looking too put-together, instead mix leopard with plaid and stripes with circles. We have to try some new things some time to have a different way of how we look. Exploring when it comes to outfitting really counts. Choose one that will look younger than you are!

Matchy Matchy Outfits

Matchy Matchy Outfits