Looking To Sell
Just a couple of people have gone inside this particular house. The only thing anyone knew about it otherwise was that the same people lived there for as long as they could remember. However, everything they knew about it wasn’t the whole truth. This story really started when the realtors got a call in regard to a house that the owner planned on selling. Needless to say, Carla and Gladys needed to see it for themselves first.

Looking To Sell
Just A Regular Day
It began as a rather unexciting day at the office. The pair of sisters worked together. Everyone there was busy doing what they normally did, so no one expected that day to be the game-changer it turned out to be. They simply went about their day answering the phone, showing houses, and trying to get new clients. The agency was owned by the two sisters, but they didn’t always work together. It all changed when they found out what a good team they made. One of them would look for new listings to sell while the other would talk to potential customers. They were efficient and effective.

Just A Regular Day