Calling The Cops
The homeless man was featured on a GoFundMe campaign, which Harry had seen. It was he who inquired of the pair whether or not they were paying with the money from that. In spite of the fact that they acknowledged that the items were his, they argued that they were using their card because he did not have one. It was plenty for Harry to hear. He did not buy into their claims. Under the counter, he reached his hand and pressed the button that indicated a panic. Because of this, a law enforcement officer was sent to the store automatically.

Calling The Cops
An Investigation
A little time later, the cops arrived and apprehended the couple when they arrived. They made them temporarily available for release while they began an investigation. It turned out that they had been spending the money that they had raised on GoFundMe for the homeless man on themselves before it was discovered. The story, however, had a pleasant conclusion. The homeless man, whose name was Eric Whittaker, was ultimately the recipient of the remaining quantity of money. Regarding the pair, they were required to pay a substantial fine and were given a sentence of five years in jail for their involvement in the plot.

An Investigation