Stacked Cart
The couple eventually arrived at his counter after a long journey. It appeared as though they had finally exhausted all of the items that they could fill the cart, which was arranged in a manner similar to a Jenga tower. A homeless man was standing on the opposite side of the cart from the couple, who were standing on the opposite side. In spite of this, things were about to take a turn for the worst when they made the decision to pay. They might be able to get away with it.

Stacked Cart
Observing Something
Harry observed something that caused his hair to stand on end just as they were beginning to unpack their cart onto the counter and he was scanning the products as they were being unpacked. The particular item in question appeared to be out of place. Quite simply, it was completely illogical. However, before he could do anything else, the man approached him and said, “Hello there, we are purchasing all of this for this impoverished individual.” He is deserving of it.” However, Harry did not believe it.

Observing Something