Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

He Is A Huge Aviation Fan

Harrison Ford is a licensed pilot of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. He took on the chairman post of the Young Eagles program of the Experimental Aircraft Association in March 2004. He has appeared in a number of advertisements advocating for safe flying among pilots and aircraft owners. Even though he is best known for his acting skills, he is very active in the world of aviation as well. Among other things, the actor promotes pilot rights and has donated to the Bob Hoover Academy. It is an institution based in central California that educates at-risk teens and teaches them flying.

He Is A Huge Aviation Fan

He Is A Huge Aviation Fan


A Famous Affair

When it comes to movies, it is hard to think of a more iconic couple than Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa. Ever since Star Wars was first released, fans wanted a romance to materialize between the actor and actress as well. In 2016, actress Carrie Fisher admitted that something actually happened between them. Even though she was only 19 years old back then, she and Harrison Ford embarked on an affair. He was over 30 years old and still married to the mother of his two children. The actor has never publicly commented about it when the big reveal finally happened.

A Famous Affair

A Famous Affair