Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

The Fate Of Han Solo

Han Solo started out as the lone captain of the Millennium Falcon but developed into a moral and loving person by the end of the original trilogy. The transformation cemented his status as one of the greatest characters in the whole franchise! The transformation was not enough for the actor, who thought that the character should have sacrificed himself for the greater good before the trilogy ended. This did not become a reality. Instead, Han Solo was later killed by his own son Ben in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Which idea do you like better?

The Fate Of Han Solo

The Fate Of Han Solo


He Was Once A Carpenter

Harrison Ford moved to Los Angeles to launch his acting career. However, many studios turned him down before he finally landed a big role. While he was building his career, he still had to provide for his wife and sons. This was the reason he taught himself carpentry and took on jobs to make ends meet while he was auditioning. Even though the actor now has a net worth in the hundred millions, you should know that he knows how to build an excellent dresser.

He Was Once A Carpenter

He Was Once A Carpenter