Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

His Tendency To Point

A lot of actors are known for their weird idiosyncrasies and quirk when it comes to their performances. For one thing, Tom Cruise is seen running in nearly all of his projects. When it comes to Harrison Ford, he tends to angrily point at other characters. Mind you, this is actually a recurring theme in the films that he appears in! Perhaps you have also noticed. Fans and interviewers have asked him about this habit of his. According to the actor, he does not do it on a conscious level and notices it only later on. At any rate, this is likely just another quirk that makes fans love the actor even more than they already did!

His Tendency To Point

His Tendency To Point


He Likes To Drive Around

If there is anything that he enjoys as much as acting, it is taking any land or air vehicle out for a spin. He likes to travel around, enjoy the warm breeze, and listen to old-school music. The actor says that he owns “eight to nine motorbikes, four or five BMWs, a couple of Harleys, a couple of Hondas and a Triumph; (and a few) sports touring bikes.” Harrison Ford has worked very hard and underwent a lot of risks to get to where he is now. His fortune is enough proof of that. Now nearing 80, the actor continues to act and go on adventures. Isn’t this the most inspiring thing that you have ever heard of?

He Likes To Drive Around

He Likes To Drive Around