Fascinating Facts About Harrison Ford, The Man Who Brought Han Solo And Indiana Jones To Life

Published on 06/17/2020

He Turned Down Jurassic Park

In the ‘80s and ‘90s, Harrison Ford had been one of the most in-demand actors in the world of show business. In 1992, Steven Spielberg offered him the opportunity to play Dr. Alan Grant in Jurassic Park. The actor was the best choice for this role because the character had many similarities with Indiana Jones! Sadly, Harrison Ford turned it down, maybe unaware that the movie was going to become such a huge phenomenon. Sam Neill was cast to play the character in the end. It turned out that Neill only had a month to prepare for the role. Despite this, he did an excellent job at it anyway.

He Turned Down Jurassic Park

He Turned Down Jurassic Park


Other Missed Opportunities

When it comes to turning down huge roles, Harrison Ford has earned a reputation for turning down some of the biggest blockbusters in Hollywood. In 2000, he declined to star in Proof of Life. Russell Crowe ended up taking the role instead. In the same year, Ford was offered the chance to appear in The Patriot and declined. Mel Gibson was the one who took over the role. As you can see, the actor has certain rules and principles when choosing the projects that he accepts. He usually turns down these opportunities thanks to his moral stances. He turned down The Patriot because he found it too simplistic and violent.

Other Missed Opportunities

Other Missed Opportunities