Her Fascination On Becoming A Giraffe Lasted Only For Five Years

Published on 04/26/2020

Rodrigo Alves

A Brazilian-British personality named Rodrigo Alves had always been fond of body modifications. He wanted to enhance his looks. He had the money, time, and courage to undergo different plastic surgeries such as a butt lift, eyeball plastic surgery, eight-pack abdominal implants, 10 nose jobs, silicone chest implants, calf shaping, and laser liposuction. The only problem he encountered was that he always wanted to look better every after surgery to the point that plastic surgeons already told him that his body could not take any kind of procedure anymore. He surely looked great, but after all those procedures, he suffered from a body dysphoric disorder. It is a mental condition where a person could not stop thinking of a flaw in his or her appearance. Rodrigo’s doctors advised him to consult a therapist that could help him with his disorder. 

Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo Alves


Sarah Burge

It was very unfortunate for Sarah Burge to get physically abused most of the time before, but she still had small luck with her because, after all the extreme beating she had experienced, she did not die. She used to look for a coping mechanism to help herself get rid of the trauma and she successfully found one – Barbie. Ever since she wanted to look like a human Barbie doll. That was the start of her journey undergoing tons of plastic surgeries. 

Sarah Burge

Sarah Burge