Her Fascination On Becoming A Giraffe Lasted Only For Five Years

Published on 04/26/2020

Medical Issues

As Sydney’s story reached different social media platforms, it became controversial – was it really safe? Thankfully, an orthopedic surgeon named Dr. Jonathan Nissanoff spoke up about the issue. He bluntly warned the netizens and said that coiling rings around the neck was not advisable at all. He also pointed out the fact that Sydney was already in her 20s. Her bones were already matured and would not make any adjustments easily anymore. 


Medical Issues


Not Giving Up

Unfortunately, Sydney disregarded everything the medical expert said and even increased the number of rings she was wearing to 12. She also made a bold decision to build a career in the modeling industry because of her unique style, but she said that she would not want to be overworked in any way. 


Not Giving Up