Clothing Malfunction
This snapshot strengthens the case for fitness centers enforcing a “only activewear” policy. The reasons why this person felt comfortable wearing in this manner may be known only to her. It’s possible she ran out of clean t-shirts and had to make do with what she had. Furthermore, it appears that she may have experienced a wardrobe malfunction, as her pants appear to be slipping off.While certain facilities have severe dress standards, even in the absence of such rules, patrons are expected to follow unwritten etiquettes. It is widely accepted that suitable dress, which includes avoiding drooping trousers or shorts, should be worn. Maintaining suitable clothes fosters not just a more professional workplace, but also comfort and safety during physical exercises.

Clothing Malfunction
When Gravity Says No
This image illustrates the implications of wearing inappropriate footwear on a treadmill. Despite trainers’ advice to clients to wear appropriate shoes while exercising, people frequently make their own decisions.In one case, the lady thought she could run on the treadmill while wearing pumps, but it looks she quickly regretted her decision. The fall left her barefoot, almost as if gravity was sending her a message that she would be better off avoiding cardio altogether or, at the very least, performing it while wearing the proper gear.

When Gravity Says No