50 Biggest Hollywood Casting Mistakes That Completely Ruined Movies

Published on 09/04/2021

Ben Foster (Warcraft)

Ben Foster stands out as the film’s biggest miscasting, even if you include “every actor playing a human character in Warcraft.” Foster is a fantastic actor, and his portrayal of the great wizard Medivh in Warcraft serves as further proof. Because of his obvious miscasting, Foster stands out in the film. As much as it annoys me that the script gives Foster so many illogical lines to spout, I can’t help but think that Foster is completely miscast in this role, and his intense performance, while admirable, ends up being more of an unintentional comedy than anything else.

Ben Foster (Warcraft)

Ben Foster (Warcraft)


Matthew McConaughey (The Dark Tower)

The Dark Tower, a mediocre film adaptation of a Stephen King novel, was easily one of the most disappointing films of 2017. Idris Elba’s performance as gunslinger Roland Deschain is one of the few positive aspects of the film, and he even manages to sell some of the script’s more cringe-inducing dialogue. Matthew McConaughey, Elba’s co-star and the Man In Black’s villain, does not share this good fortune.

Matthew McConaughey (The Dark Tower)

Matthew McConaughey (The Dark Tower)