Could It Be Wasps?
After hearing the sound for days, Jeff was already terrified and was driven to learn more about it. He took a seat and made a list of every potential reason. One item appeared to stick out above the others as he was doing this. The most logical explanation Jeff could think of was that there was a wasp nest in his basement, but he couldn’t see it because there was still just one light on.

Could It Be Wasps
Installing Extra Lights
Jeff went to the department shop after being certain that he had found the solution. However, now was as good a time as any. He chose designs for two main lights and purchased a few little built-in lights to add a little additional flair and assist him catch the pesky creatures that made his life a living hell. He had intended to install lights once the majority of the work was over, but now was as good a time as any.

Installing Extra Lights