Back in 2017, a 15-ton fatberg was discovered in London sewers. If you’re wondering what a fatberg is, it’s what happens when things like diapers, wet wipes, and other hard-to-flush items are flushed down the toilet. They get swept into the sewers while getting covered in grime and fat. Over time, it all turns into a huge rotting mass that could cause massive blockages. The famous London fatberg was over 250 meters (820 feet) long!
An Electric Razor
There are endless reasons a toilet can get clogged. It’s a known fact. So when this plumber fed his snake down the drain to find out the source of the clog, the entire toilet began to vibrate. You’d never expect something like that to happen when unclogging a toilet. It turned out to be a razor that was knocked into the toilet by the owner’s cat. It just so happened to be that the snake hit the power switch and turned it on.