Oh, My Sophii is a cosplayer from the UK. She’s no stranger to the scene and thanks her pal named Cissa for taking her to a con in 2009 to kick off her love for crafts. She hasn’t stopped since then! This costume is great, but you must see her in other getups! She enjoys working on anime, comic and video games characters. When she’s wearing leather attire, she’s even hotter than hell. Her husband is her photographer. Well, we should thank him for his wife’s incredible shots. You can see more of her at @OhMySophii.

Mortal Kombat was the hottest game in the 80s and 90s. People would stand for hours on end to hear “Finish Him!” We bet if this Kitana had been there, that people would have been willing to wait even longer. She’s a costume model for Etsy. Don’t worry, there were a lot of people buying this costume who gave great reviews and looked amazing. If you want to know, the shop is called the Kitana Store. Each order is made by a custom seller, a wig and a silver legging.
