For over a century now, AMC theaters have provided moviegoers with relaxed and entertaining moviegoing experiences. It established a reputation in the industry via this firm, and it eventually grew to become the largest movie theater chain on the planet. Even though the initials AMC stand for American Multi-Cinema, the truth is that a Chinese business known as Dalian Wanda Group held the majority of the company’s shares between 2012 and 2018. In 2018, however, this changed a little due to Silver Lake Partners’ $600 million investment in the company. Despite this, the Wanda Group continues to be the one that has the final say in terms of executive-level decision-making authority.

In terms of beers, some people believe that you can’t get much more American than this when drinking. It may have been confirmed in the past, but the truth is that this is no longer an American corporation, although it was started in Missouri and that the word “America” remains to be printed on the container. In 2008, this company was purchased by InBev, a Belgian beer behemoth, for 52 billion dollars. It may have had a solid connection to the United States in the past, but we can’t claim the same for its future. Regardless, we are grateful that the parent business did not make any changes to the original formula. It has precisely the same flavor as it did before!
